Crafting Visual Narratives: Bridging PR Strategies and Innovative Design
Eye-catching graphic illustrations and attractive audio-visual content elements are an essential part of today's PR and content marketing campaigns.
Infographics, press release illustrations, landing pages, websites, ESG reports, annual reports, online and offline brochures, ppt templates, in-house magazines - these are just a few of the PR and content communication tools that require the involvement of graphic designers.
PR + Design = PRBK Design Lab
If you need an experienced account management team and talented graphic designers, PRBK Design Lab is your choice. We are PR professionals, so we know exactly what you need and what the client wants. And we are graphic designers who know the latest trends, cool features, and cutting-edge design elements. We are fast and reliable, so you could be relaxed about graphic design tasks.
Who we are?
Probako Communication's 20+ years of professional experience - including 15+ years in partnership with Worldcom PR Group - mixed with the visual approach of young and talented as well as seasoned, award-winning graphic designers and videographers. This is PRBK Design Lab.